OCCMA Committees

2024 Committee appointments have been finalized. 

2024 Committees

2024 OCCMA Committee Rosters

Standing Committees

Nominating. Recommend candidates for the OCCMA Board of Directors for the following year at the Annual Membership Meeting in September. Consists of not less than three members. The Immediate Past-President, or other active member appointed by the President, shall chair the committee.

Ethics. Monitor OCCMA and ICMA member compliance with the ICMA Code of Ethics.  The Committee also serves as the local fact-finding body inquiry.  Work with other committees to help educate members about the ICMA Code of Ethics. 

Support for Managers. To connect our members with the network of opportunities to gain knowledge, insight, experience and perspective through developing other professionals in the field.

Bylaws & Policy. Review Bylaws and Constitution and recommend amendments as requested by the President and Board of Directors.

Professional Development. Enhance and promote professional development and training opportunities to help advance the professional capabilities of OCCMA members. The President-Elect shall chair the committee.

Scholarship Committee. Administer and grant scholarship funds in accordance with Board parameters and Article 12 of the OCCMA Policy Annex.

Communications. Maintain and enhance multimedia member communication and information exchange programs.

Ad Hoc Committees

ICMA Liaison. Identify and recommend actions in relation to the ICMA/OCCMA Affiliation Agreement and provide updates on international issues.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion of and for the Membership of OCCMA.

Oregon Veterans Leading Government. To help Veterans serve and lead in local government. 

Northwest Women's Leadership Academy (NWWLA) Steering Committee and Leadership Team. Continue to support and grow the relationship with NWWLA. 

Civic Education Committee. Provide tools, resources, and information to OCCMA members for when they are educating newly elected officials, the community (i.e. chamber of commerce and civic classes), and future local government employees about local government and what city managers do. 

© Oregon City/County Management Association.  A State Affliliate of ICMA.

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